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What is the best time to take casein protein!


“Slow-Acting Proteins – casein” what is casein, why do you need them & best time to take casein protein.

Beginners in gym doesn’t know what casein is and why do they need them. The only protein they know about is whey. Here I gonna tell you some facts about casein.

Casein and whey have very different applications when it comes to maintaining and building muscle tissue

  • Whey was described earlier as a fast-absorbed ‘Anabolic’ protein greatly increasing Protein synthesis and boosting muscle growth.
  • Casein is the major ANTI-CATABOLIC protein preventing muscle protein breakdown primarily due to its SLOW rate of absorption and consequent slow release of amino acid to the body for a sustained period of time.

Research has shown that-

  • Casein resulted in a slower rise in serum amino acid concentrations but they remained significantly higher over a 7-hour period as compared to whey.
  • casein was found to inhibit breakdown by 34% over a 7 hour period.

Best Timing to take casein protein :-

  1. Pre Workout – Casein is the perfect pre-workout Protein because it can maintain a slow sustained release of amino acids, especially BCAAs, throughout the workout to be used for energy and preventing muscle protein breakdown.
  2. Bedtime – Casein also an excellent meal before bedtime. Because of overnight fast, after this meal you generally go for hours without any meal. Casein protein will stay with your body longer than other forms of protein & helping to stave of muscle catabolism until your next meal in the morning.
  3. It is also the preferred protein in a meal meant to sustain for a prolonged period during the day.

Casein has its own benefits because it is a slow-digesting protein, that’s why it is called a ‘Powerful ANTI-CATABOLIC Protein’

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How to Do Archer Push Ups

ancher pushup

Archer Push-up is a good move to learn the ‘Single Arm Push-up’.
If you are trying to perform ‘One arm Push-up’ than go for the “Archer Push-up” first.

How to perform:-

  • Start with a Push up position but make your arms wider than that.
  • Lower yourself & bend into one side of your push up.
  • Push up back to return in starting position.
  • Alternate sides and Repeat.
  • Your ‘Off Arm’ should remain straight for the entire movement.

Make it Harder:-

Try to do it with lift one/two/three fingers of your ‘Off Arm’ off the floor with each fingers you lift, the ‘Working Arm’ will take more load.

“Archer Push-up” we can say it’s a self assisted version of ‘Single Arm Push-up’.

Watch the Archer Push up video to get the form & see the exercise in motion.


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Exercising When Sick-Is It A Good Move?

Exercising When Sick-Is It A Good Move?

Should you sweat it out when you are ill or should you rest and recover?

You have been great at gym and haven’t missed out a day since you started no matter how hard it was. And then one day, suddenly your workout schedule is interrupted by a cold or flu. Now what should you do? Should you skip the workout for a day or two? Or should you continue? I can understand the need to push yourself when it’s the laziness that is preventing you from going to gym, but there are reasons that are beyond our control… and I guess you all know ‘the reason’ I am talking about. There are times when exercising does more harm to you than good.
Well, the answer to the question whether to attend or not gym during illness lies in what ails you. For instance, if you are suffering from cold than it might be OK, but if it is fever, it is a definite NO.

When you work-out during fever it increases your body temperature internally, it increases the risk of you getting sicker. Also, our bodies are more prone to infections during and after workout, so you yourself might get in contact with some infections or you might infect someone in the gym who is not yet ill. And since, Flu and cold are contagious the first five to seven days, I would suggest you to stay at home and take rest.


On the other hand, if you are suffering from cold, nasal congestion, sore throat or may be sneezing than it’s OK to exercise. A neck check is a way to decide your level of activity during illness. If your symptoms of illness are above neck like sneezing, runny nose, it is fine with you exercising but if it is below neck as fever, body aches, coughing, then it’s time to stay back at home and rest.

And yeah, one more thing I would like to add up, even if you decide to workout in illness, please make sure you are not constantly blowing your nose. And you must carry your towel and try to sneeze and cough using that, so that the germs do not spread. And try to wipe out the surfaces you have come in contact with to prevent the germs from spreading.

Again I would say, Listen to your body, cold might last a week to 10 days or it might take more than that. Depending on the severity of you illness, decide on whether you should exercise or not. If you really want to exercise during illness, I would rather suggest you to exercise at home only or you might just take a walk.

If you have any questions, concerns, please feel free to leave a comment below or drop us an email.

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8 Things To Consider Before Joining Gym

8 Things To Consider Before Joining Gym

All You Need To Know Before Joining A Gym

Before considering anything about joining gym, you must first be sure that you ‘want to join a Gym’. What I want to say is when you decide to get yourself into better shape or you want to lose weight, you must first question yourself about whether or not you really want to join a gym or any fitness center. Joining a Gym is a major decision just like making a major purchase. It not only requires true dedication from your end but also is a huge financial commitment. So before getting into any gym take a tour of gym, clarify your queries, take the free-workout sessions of at least 2-3 gyms and then only get to any decision.
While joining a Gym you are supposed to make an informed decision. A good gym will fit your requirements and will motivate you on daily basis to come back and exercise. Apart from these there are various criteria that you must consider before joining a gym. Here are the things you need to keep in mind while making the decision.

1. Location

Normally, people don’t consider the location of gym as an important issue. But do you really think that if your gym is on the other side of the town, you would be able to commute to the gym on daily basis. Convenience in location is quite an important factor in motivating you to work-out regularly. The ideal location for a gym should be somewhere between your workplace and home or if you are a home maker, it must be nearby your home. If you will have to struggle to reach gym daily, your enthusiasm to work-out might fade away pretty soon. On those hectic days when you won’t have time, having a proximity to gym will make things easier for you. After all, a good work-out is about relieving stress not increasing it.

health club location


2. Timing

While joining a Gym, make sure that you ask them about the time slots of the gym. Some gym are open 24*7, while some are open during day, others are closed on weekend. Doesn’t matter at what time of day work out, make sure that gym is open and fit your schedule; else you would end up paying for something you can’t access. Also, if you plan to work-out every day on a fixed time, you might ask about the situation of the gym at that time. Whether gym is packed or free? Is there a line for machines you would like to use? Joining a Gym is not going to help you if you won’t be able to use machines as per your requirement.

Gym timming


3. Trainers and Staff

Most important aspect of any gym is its trainers. Try to attend one or two free demo classes to see if the instructors and trainers know their stuff. Unfortunately, there is no government authorized association or institute in India that provides any certification and training in fitness. There might be some private institutes that provide fitness training, so before finalizing a gym, do ask about the certification of trainers and instructors, else you might end up getting hurt. Another important aspect of trainers is their availability. Are they available when you need them? Are they courteous and supportive? Do they answer your questions?



4. Machines and Equipment

During your first visit to gym, take a good look around the gym and see if there are all “popular” machines and equipment available. You also need to know, if the other members have to wait long for their turn to use the machines. Because, let me tell you, there is nothing more frustrating than waiting for an hour in line for your turn to use machines. You need to make sure that there are variety of machines and not only an array of cardio machines. You can also notice if instructions are posted on machines or not. Be careful of the machines that are out of order, as it portrays the picture of poorly managed Gym.


5. Hygiene and Cleanliness

However, there are no set standards for the cleanliness of gym, but keep your eyes open during your visit to gym, if there is dust piled up on or around the equipments. Also make sure that towels or napkins are available to wipe off the equipments after you use it. Also, see if the staff and trainers enforce the hygiene. Do not forget to peek into the locker room, showers and wash rooms to check the cleanliness and hygiene level.



6. Fees

Cost is usually the deciding factor while joining a Gym. Talk to them about their fee structure. Whether they charge joining fee or not? Or do you need to pay fees on monthly basis, quarterly basis or annually. Ask them, is it possible to cancel the membership without penalty or if fees is non-refundable. And most importantly, does the gym fit your budget or is it creating a hole in your pocket. Because let’s face it, no matter what amenities gym is providing you, if it does not fit your financial equation it worth nothing.



7. Additional benefits

Some additional features could be bonus for you. So, before joining the gym don’t forget to ask about the freebies. Do they have sauna, hot tub or any other facility to relax after workout? Some gyms have in house nutritionists to help you with your diet plans while others have juice and snacks bar that provide post-workout meals. There are gyms that also provide you with physiotherapists and compulsory diet plans.

special offers in gym


8. Members

Each and every person reacts in a different manner to people around them, and you should keep this in your mind while choosing a gym. You should not be intimidated or embarrassed by the people around you. You need to work out in a healthy environment that makes you comfortable and relaxed. Some gyms are unisex while some are gender based; some gyms also provide different time slots for males and females. So just make sure, will you be comfortable exercising around the current members.
All the above points are necessary to consider while joining a gym. Do not hesitate to ask anything before joining and make an informed decision of whether a gym is fit for you or not. Be choosy, ask your friends about the gyms they have been to or are the present members, take tour of gyms until you find the right gym that meets all your expectation and doesn’t dig a hole in your pocket. After all, as I always say, being healthy is a lifestyle and finding a perfect gym is all about finding a key to healthy lifestyle.

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Never Say, I Don’t Want To Lift


Weight lifting can help you lose the fat, build muscle, and increase performance.

Guys this is Bhilwara where fitness is still not a completely growing culture compare to other cities. More then 7 years I am working in fitness industry and I’ve trained 3000 + people in Bhilwara city.

Here’s many people who says they don’t lift because…

  • …they don’t want to get big.
  • …only cardio is the key to weight loss.
  • …the more I run , the slimmer I get.
  • …lifting weights cant help them lose weight.
  • …weight lifting is only for youngsters.

But that’s not all true. Cardio and aerobic exercises are good to lose weight and improve cardiac fitness, while lifting weights gives you an edge over belly fat, stress, heart disease and cancer. It’s also more effective way to look hot in clothes.
Just because you don’t want 20 inch biceps or toned and strong thighs like the trainers and fitness models, doesn’t mean you should avoid weight training.

Here are 8 reasons you should lift weights…

1. You’ll Lose 40 Percent More Fat



If you think cardio is the key to blasting belly fat, keep reading: When Penn State researchers put dieters into three groups—no exercise, aerobic exercise only, or aerobic exercise and weight training—they all lost around 21 pounds, but the lifters shed six more pounds of fat than those who didn’t pump iron. Why? The lifters’ loss was almost pure fat; the others lost fat and muscle.

Other research on dieters who don’t lift shows that, on average, 75 percent of their weight loss is from fat, while 25 percent is from muscle. Muscle loss may drop your scale weight, but it doesn’t improve your reflection in the mirror and it makes you more likely to gain back the flab you lost. However, if you weight train as you diet, you’ll protect your hard-earned muscle and burn more fat.


2. You’ll Burn More Calories



Lifting increases the number of calories you burn while your butt is parked on the couch. That’s because after each strength workout, your muscles need energy to repair their fibers. In fact, researchers found that when people did a total-body workout with just three big-muscle moves, their metabolisms were raised for 39 hours afterward. They also burned a greater percentage of calories from fat compared with those who didn’t lift.

Lifting gives you a better burn during exercise too: Doing a circuit of eight moves (which takes about eight minutes) can expend 159 to 231 calories. That’s about what you’d burn if you ran at a 10-mile-per-hour pace for the same duration.

3. Your Diet Will Improve


Exercise helps your brain stick to a diet plan. University of Pittsburgh researchers studied 169 overweight adults and found that those who didn’t follow a three-hours-a-week training regimen ate more than their allotted 1,500 calories a day. The reverse was also true—sneaking snacks sabotaged their workouts. The study authors say both diet and exercise likely remind you to stay on track, aiding your weight-loss goals.

4. You’ll Handle Stress Better



Break a sweat in the weight room and you’ll stay cool under pressure. Scientists determined that the fittest people exhibited lower levels of stress hormones than those who were the least fit. Another study found that after a stressful situation, the blood pressure levels of people with the most muscle returned to normal faster than the levels of those with the least muscle.

5. You’ll Build Stronger Bones



As you age, bone mass goes to pot, which increases your likelihood of one day suffering a debilitating fracture. The good news: A study found that 16 weeks of resistance training increased hip bone density and elevated blood levels of osteocalcin—a marker of bone growth–by 19 percent.

6. You’ll Get Into Shape Faster



The term cardio shouldn’t describe only aerobic exercise: A study found that circuit training with weights raises your heart rate 15 beats per minute higher than if you ran at 60 to 70 percent of your max heart rate. This approach strengthens muscles and provides cardiovascular benefits similar to those of aerobic exercise—so you save time without sacrificing results.

7. Your Heart Will Be Healthier


Researchers at the University of Michigan found that people who did three total-body weight workouts a week for two months decreased their diastolic blood pressure (the bottom number) by an average of eight points. That’s enough to reduce the risk of a stroke by 40 percent and the chance of a heart attack by 15 percent.

8. You’ll Live Longer



University of South Carolina researchers determined that total-body strength is linked to lower risks of death from cardiovascular disease and cancer. Similarly, other scientists found that being strong during middle age is associated with “exceptional survival,” defined as living to the age of 85 without developing a major disease.

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Top 4 Machines To Avoid At The Gym All machines are not created equal


Your everyday gym houses a plethora of different machines and gadgets all aimed at improving the physical form, some less so than others. Some may even do you more harm than good. There are frankly some machines that you should avoid all together if you wish to avoid nagging injuries. Unsure of what those machines are? We’ve got your back and have created a comprehensive list on some of the machines to avoid at the gym.

Abdominal Crunch Machine



The abdominal crunch machine, or abominable crunch machines as they should be called, are pretty useless for building adequate muscle for the abdomen. When working out the abs one must not only utilize stomach muscles but also the hip flexors as well. The abdominal crunch machine takes the hip flexors out of the argument banking on the idea that isolated the stomach muscles will provide a more intense exercise. It doesn’t.


Seated Shoulder Press Machine


The seated shoulder press machine is yet another workout device that can prove not only useless but dangerous all in one. When performing the shoulder presses in such a motion it proves to put a great deal of stress on the spine and has been proven to cause back and shoulder injuries that otherwise could have been easily avoided. Using free weights instead is the way to go with this exercise; there’s less stress on the shoulders and the results are infinitely increased.


Smith Bench Press


The smith bench press seems like a great idea in theory. Having the bar secure means less risk of injury right? I mean all you have to do if you want to incorporate heavy weights is slide on the plates to your desired weight and you’re good to go. Unfortunately things aren’t that simple. The smith bench press isolates the arms which some may see as a benefit, but in reality this isolation only proves to damage your shoulders, particularly your rotator cuffs. The whole point of benching is to not only improve your chest muscles but improve overall strength in general. In order to reap the benefits of benching you’ll need to engage multiple muscle groups and use your entire body’s strength something the smith bench doesn’t offer. Old fashioned benching works best for overall results.


Smith Squat Machine


Another machine worthy of your contempt is the smith squat machine. Like the smith bench the smith squat machine can prove to be more hazardous than one thinks. The isolation on the legs take the core out of the entire exercise which is essential to eliminating stress on the user’s knees. By focusing sole attention on the legs it puts too much pressure on the joints. In a freestanding squat the user’s core and lower back helps to eliminate this kind of pressure. The great thing about the smith machines are that they help with form and are great for beginners, but ultimately the price paid once you increase the weight and make steady progression just isn’t worth it. Once you learn the form it’s best to do the old fashioned freestanding squats and lift on a normal bench. Your body will thank you later.

What machines do you find to be useless at the gym? Let us know in the comments below or sound off on our official Facebook page.